A single landlord is often the owner of multiple properties. In most cases, the landlord will receive an individual statement for each property, but it is also possible to create a consolidated statement that includes all of their properties' transactions.
To begin creating this statement, select Finance from the list on the left side of the screen. Then select the Balances option.
Using the search function, if you type in the name of the relevant landlord it will filter the list below ready to select. Once you have selected the correct landlord, a calendar pop up
will appear, and you can enter in the dates you wish to run the statement for.
By pressing Generate, a statement will be created for this landlord of all of their properties. The
only difference here compared to running the other statements is that instead of it popping up
instantly, a copy of the statement will be sent directly to your email to view. This will appear as a
LoftyWorks Notification and will have the subject Client Statement Report.
The attachment will be formatted as shown in the sample statement below. The first page will display a summary of all properties' balances, and the following pages will contain individual statements for each property for the given period.
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